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Week 1

Happy New Year and welcome back. I hope you've all had an exciting Christmas!


This week we have made a start on our new topic - Polar regions. This is a geography based topic and the children have had the globe and world maps out to locate the Artic Ocean and Antartica. We have use information books during literacy to find out interesting facts about these places including what animals live there, how people survive there and we have come across the names of Scott and Shackleton. We will be finding out more about them as the weeks progress.


In maths Year 1 have been learning about time. Telling the time to the hour and half hour, knowing the days of the week and months of the year. Do encourage your child to tell the time at home as much as possible. Year 2s have been recapping on arithmatic and doing some data handling. They also have their new times tables books which they bought home with a work  sheet and need to learn their 2X table for a test on Monday. 


During our natural learning and science session on Tuesday we looked up the temperatures and daylight hours at the North and South Pole weather stations and then headed outside to record the temperature in Winterbourne Abbas having looked up our own daylight hours.  We will repeat this every week to see what variation there is. 


Don't forget swimming is happening every Friday this term and the children need their costumes, towels, hats and fitted goggles.



