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Wk 3 Zigzag Snakes

Zigzag snakes

Continuing our Jungle theme and the children’s interest in cutting we made spiral snakes. After looking at snake patterns we painted bubble wrap to get the snake skin effect and used scissors to cut it out.

Space dome

On Thursday the children were very excited to visit the Space dome. Lying down on the floor we looked at the night sky, then watched a rocket fly to the moon. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and displayed exceptional behaviour.

Friday morning as we have 15 children we split into groups. The first group go into the Receptions outside area at 9 o'clock until 10, whilst the second group stay in the Pre-school room. After snack and play at 10.45 the second group access the outside Reception area and the first group stay in the Pre-school room until 11.45. This is proving to be very successful.
