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Week 9

This week Beech class have had a fun packed week - we started by going on a wet and muddy Geography walk where we identified human and physical features in our surrounding area - a huge thank you to all the parent helpers which made this possible. On Thursday, we celebrated World Book day - all the children looked fantastic in their costumes. We got into groups across the school and visited 5 activities around the school which all focused on Oliver Jeffers. We looked at the books: How to Catch a Star, Stuck, The Hueys in the new jumper, The way back home and The Incredible Book Eating Boy. We had lots of fun! See the photos above.


In Science, we planned an experiment that we will do next week which centres around the question 'Do woodlice prefer dry or damp conditions?'.

We ended the week by celebrating our Mums and thinking about the importance of Mothering Sunday to Christians. 

