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22.11.18 Roman Information Pages

This week in literacy we finished off our Roman information pages, which we are making in pairs to go into a class Roman book. We chose a topic which we would like to research more about, these were:


Food and Drink






Wars and Battles

Army, Weapons and Armour

Farming and Crops


Roman Baths



Once we had our topic we used our class Roman library to find and record relevant information and make notes in our literacy books. Once we had all the information we needed we started on our first draft, we decided how we would setup our pages, how many paragraphs we would be writing and also what pictures we might like to use and where they would go on the page. The publisher (Mrs Burson) then looked through the first drafts and gave feedback on how to improve our work.


Now we could get started on our second draft, this included making improvements, adding extra information or pictures we would like to put into our final draft. Once again the publisher looked over these and gave final feedback so we could finally prepare our finished piece.


The children have produced some beautiful final pieces and these will be made into our class Roman information book.
