Week 2
This week we have been reading the story of 'Aliens Love Underpants', looking at all of the bright, bold patterns, shapes and sizes of all of the underpants illustrated within the book. The children thought about the words that we could use to describe each of the underpants and then talked about the colours and patterns that they would choose to decorate their alien's underpants with and then painted their ideas on to a template. Their literacy activity was to write about their designs and use descriptive language such as the colours and types of patterns.
In maths we have been revising repeat patterns and the children have created some fantastic stripy underpants to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of repeat patterns using colours. These will be displayed in the classroom and on Tapestry, so please do have a look as they are brilliant! We have also looked at how to create repeat patterns with shapes, objects and patterns.
In Expressive Art and Design the children have been painting big aliens ready to attach their underpants that they created for their literacy. These also will be displayed in the class and on Tapestry for you to see. They chose the shape and size, how many eyes, how many arms and legs, whether they have hair or antennae, using their both their imagination and from looking at the story book.