Week 1
Welcome to our Seahorse Class blog!
We've had a lovely few days getting to know each other, singing songs, reading stories and playing in all the different areas of the classroom. Our first couple of weeks will be spent settling in and getting to know the routines and expectations of school life. The children all look very smart in their uniforms.
Our first topic will be Marvellous Me followed by Food and Farming and there is more information about this in the class newsletter.
We have now all found our pegs and drawers for coats and book bags. We also all know which bubble we sit in on the carpet. On Wednesday we had our first PE lesson with Ms Moore which was great fun. Today we went in to our first Collective Worship and everyone sat beautifully and listened to the story of the creation.
The children are starting to form new friendships, sharing our resources well and hopefully enjoying being at school.
Have a relaxing and fun weekend.