Week 6 - Literacy
Once a month in literacy the children carry out a completely independent piece of writing in their special blue books. This is always marked in depth and the children then have time to make improvements and to begin to focus on the new target that is set. This week the children completed this task and had to write a story which was a traditional style tale with a twist. We had read The Paper Bag Princess and the children chose three characters of their own to focus on. They created a plan and then used this to help with their writing on Tuesday. They wrote wonderfully creative stories about evil kings, kindly dragons, friendly bears, brave princesses and scared knights. They have been great fun to read and the children spend their literacy lesson today making some improvements e.g. adding more description or rewriting the ending. They always enjoy looking back in this blue literacy book to see what they were doing back in September and it is an easy way for them to see the improvements they have made.
For our art this week the children looked at plants in the wildlife garden, naming them and then photographing them. The photographs were printed out and the children carried out some botanical style watercolour illustrations. It's amazing what detail they saw and put in to their paintings.
Enjoy your half term and see you on Monday 7th June. Fingers crossed for sunshine!