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What a fantastic 'Gruffalo Day' we had on Thursday and the weather was very kind to us, we were able to spend the whole day outside! The children participated in lots of lovely activities such as - sharing stories, den building, hunting for animals and minibeasts, building a log pile house for the snake, making a Gruffalo picture using natural materials and writing about the creatures and their habitats from the story.


The children also learnt about our ICT equipment in their technology lesson. They learnt how to turn on/off the computers and tablets correctly, login and out using both of their school logins and passwords. Once they had successfully achieved this, they then completed a level on the Reading Eggs programme. Children who didn't manage to complete this activity, will be able to do so next week.


We are now introducing Phase 5 tricky words in phonics, sound blends and continue to revisit all of the previously learnt letters, sounds and tricky words. In your child's Reading Record, please see their High Frequency Words (HFW) which will be sent home weekly, for them to practise reading and writing at home. These words often appear in (hence their name) the children's reading books and they will also need to use and write them independently in their weekly writing activities.


Please ensure that your child has their water bottle and sun hat with them every day, now that the warmer, sunnier weather has arrived and sun cream has been applied.
