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In phonics we have been revisiting all of the learnt phase 2 phonics and tricky words, consolidating our knowledge of each sound, the actions and talked about why tricky words are being tricky. We will be moving on to phase 3 next week, when the children will be introduced to digraphs, two letters that make one sound.

In literacy we have been thinking about descriptive language and the words that we can use to describe the sounds of fireworks such as - whiizz, pop, bang, whoosh and whizz. For our topic display, the children wrote these words on their rockets and then created fantastic firework pictures using a simple painting programme on the computers.

Our focus in maths has been more, less and the same. The children have been looking at hoops with different amounts of natural objects in them, then deciding which has more, less or are they the same? We have also been practicing one more than and one less than with numbers by looking at our number line to 20 and finding the numbers that come before and after a given number.

During outdoor learning the children made a huge bonfire, pretended to toast marshmallows on sticks, shared a story, sang campfire songs and drank some delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows!

We celebrated Sidney's 5th Birthday on Friday with lots of decoration making, party games, birthday cake and singing 'Happy Birthday' to Sidney, we all had a fantastic afternoon.

Thank you very much to you all for your kind donations for our cake and bake sale to raise money for Children in Need, it was a very successful fundraising event, we really appreciate your support.
