WB 8.06.2020.
It has been lovely to welcome back the children to school this week and to see them with big smiles on their faces. They have adapted well to the new class layout and all of the new routines that they are now expected to follow. It has been fantastic hearing about all of the great things that they have all been experiencing over the past weeks and they have returned full of excitement about their home learning.
This week at school we have extended our 'Rainbow Day' to the whole we week, as we had so many lovely activities to complete and the children have been enjoying them so much. As the days have passed, we have been gradually reintroducing the children to more structured lessons and looking at our phase 5 tricky words, recapping on all previously learnt letters & sounds and addition & subtraction in maths.
Below you will find some photos of the rainbow activities that the children have completed this week and also our Literacy & Maths Learning Grids for WB 8.06.2020.
If you do have require any assistance or have any queries, please do contact me by email or via the school office (AM is the better time of day) and I will reply/return your calls as soon as I possible can.
Have a restful weekend, I think we have some very tired children today!