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Week 5

This week, Beech class have concluded their Art lessons using clay - they designed a house for the three little pigs and demonstrated all of the skills that they had learnt from the previous 4 lessons. I was amazed at how well the children did and impressed that they managed to remember all of the skills. See the photos attached for some examples of their work.


In Science, the children have been identifying parts of flowers (stems, petals, roots and leaves) and demonstrating their understanding by drawing labelled diagrams.

In Maths, Year 2 have been tackling 'Telling the Time' which has proven very tricky but they are beginning to understand the role of the minute and hour hand. Whilst Year 1 have been continuing their work on fractions of quantities. 


In Phonics, the children have been demonstrating their application of digraphs and trigraphs by reading alien words - they find this very funny! Please, if you have received a sheet of barcodes home then continue to practise reading alien words at home in preparation for their Phonics Screening Check in a few weeks. 

Good work Beech Class!

