Week 7
This term our topic is Julia Donaldson, so we've started things of with having 'The Gruffalo' as our book of the week. To help support our knowledge and understanding of this book we have had a range of Gruffalo based activities. We started the week with exploring chocolate playdough which we used to create our very own Gruffalo faces, using loose parts to add different features our Gruffalo's. Alongside creating our Gruffalo's, we have used a range of different types of paints to paint all of the other characters in the book as well as creating our very own large Gruffalo, owl, fox and snake as a group activity. The Blossom children have also been busy using the small world to re-enact the Gruffalo story, making sure all the animals are in the correct habitats.
Blossom children have been bust exploring lots of sensory based tuff trays including rice and sand, dry pouring and Gruffalo crumble making. On Tuesday the children we lucky enough to make their very own pancakes for pancake day. They carefully measured and mixed all the ingredients, which they then watch Mrs Sanders fry in the frying pan. They then tucked into them for their snack, and they were very delicious!
We have also had a change up in our role play area, which is now set up at a vets. All of the Blossom children are brilliant at taking care of all our sick toy animals. They carefully bandage up any hurt limbs, take their temperatures and check their hearts using the stethoscopes.
We have also introduced our new sound of the week which is 'N' and the children have all listened to the different words and objects which begin with the sound 'N. They have also been very confident with trying to give their own examples to words beginning with 'N'.