Week 10
In literacy the children have been writing about the toys in our museum. They have described them , thought about how old they are and what materials they are made from. They have also come up with some questions which were sent home on Wednesday. These are to be shared with grandparents or older friends of the family to find out what toys they played with in the past. Please could these be returned by next Wednesday as the children will be using their information in their writing.
During our maths lessons we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s (3s for year 2s as well). The children have been sequencing numbers, finding mistakes in patterns and doing some problem solving.
The cars the children started designing last week are coming on well. They have all made the axles and wheels and built the chasis. Next week we will build the body on the car. Thank you for all the milk bottle top wheels!
During natural learning and science we carried out a minibeast hunt in the wildlife garden to find out what minibeasts were around, where they were living and why we thought they were in those habitats. We will carry out the same survey in the summer to see if we find any differences in what we discover.
We are busy casting the nativity at the moment so in the next few days your child will come home with lines to learn. Please do help them as much as possible.
Thank you for all the toys that have come in to our museum. It is now full, so the children are welcome to continue to bring in toys to share, but they will have to go home again at the end of the day.
The children looked great today in their spots and stipes. Thank you to everyone who contributed. The money will go directly to help those children who need it.