Week 4
Our literacy this week has still be focused on A Squash and A Squeeze and the children have story mapped the story so they are able to retell it without the book. They have also done some writing about the story pretending that they are the Old Woman.
In maths we have done some shape work and looked at 'nets' of shapes and how we put them together. If you get a chance to take apart boxes and containers at home talk to your child about what shapes are incorporated within them, how many sides and corners they have etc. It's always fascinating to see that a rectangle can be rolled into a cylider!
The children have almost finished their set of 4 self portraits as part of our Andy Warhol inspired art project and hopefully I will be able to post some of these next week.
During natural learning this week the children have had lots of fun making habitats for snails. Finding plants and leaves for them to eat, shells for them to shelter under in the shade and finally collecting a lot of snails. They were all carefully returned to the undergrowth at the end of the session! Thank you to everyone for providing wellie boots...... it means all the children can access our outdoor learning and, as one child put it yesterday , 'this is the life!'
On Wednesday we had great excitement when Mr Foot bought a day old calf in to meet the children. I thought I had misheard when I was told 'Ms Braidwood, there's a calf in the playground' but sure enough there was the beautiful animal come to visit. Thank you Mr Foot.
Don't forget the PTFA duck race, fun run and BBQ in Martinstown on Saturday morning. I hope to see lots of you there.
PS - Sorry for the short notice, but is anyone able to get hold of 25 scallop shells for me?! I'm want to use them on Thursday for an art project..... Many thanks.