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Week 7

Welcome back! The holiday seems a long time ago now but hopefully you all enjoyed a restful break with some sunshine.


This week we have begun our final topic of the year, Mini beasts, and the children seem very enthused by it already. I can't tell you how many ants, woodlice, snails and beetles we have already had visiting the classroom.


In literacy the children have written mini beast riddles which has been fun. Here are a few for you to work out.

I eat vegetables in your garden.

I am orange and I have 6 legs and I sometimes come into your pants.

I have symmetrical wings  and I fly in the sky. 

I have 8 legs and I make a web.


This afternoon we carried out a mini beast hunt in the wildlife garden and found lots of different species, woodlice and worms, flies and bees, spiders and beetles. We used magnifying glasses to get a better look and talked about the different habitats that they lived in. 


We have started making paper plate mini beasts, ladybirds or bees and snails and the children have thought about their colours and the processes we will use.


In maths we have focused on addition and subtraction using numberlines and concrete methods. 


New book marks with high frequency and tricky words for your child to learn will be sent home on Friday along with a technology audit that we are carrying out for our reception children. This needs to be returned by Friday 15th.


Thank you to every who has returned their Ready Steady Read money. If you haven't yet, please could you do so as soon as possible. Also we have our trip to Lorton Meadows next week. I have a few outstanding slips that need returning, if you need another one do come and see me. Please watch the forecast as if it is hot you will need to make sure your child has sunblock on, if it's due to be wet, a waterproof coat. All children must wear long trousers to prevent insect bites and sturdy shoes or wellies. School tops must be worn.
