Week 12
This week the children have had lots of fun in science where they worked in pairs to make a raft to hold the people of London's possessions to protect them from the burning fire. We pretended the River Thames was a washing up bowl filled with water and the treasure was a 50p coin. The children were given lots of resources and had to make their raft float and hold the coin. After the children had collaboratively worked together on their raft we discussed the appearance and the suitability by testing them. All pairs did exceedingly well as you can see from the Photographs. Well done Beech class!
In RE, we considered how Christians believe that Jesus believed in 'Friendship, Forgiveness and Peace' we learnt about some charities for homeless people and how this would fit with Jesus' beliefs. The children came up with some thoughts around the three beliefs which you can see photographed also.
We have started our topic on shape in Maths - thank you for all of the homework where the children have spotted shapes in the environment - again our classroom is looking lovely!
In Computing, Year 1 are learning how to use a program called Canvas to paint pictures including using vertical and horizontal lines and Year 2 are learning how to take photographs with an Ipad and when it is suitable to take the photograph portrait as opposed to landscape. Both groups of children are thoroughly enjoying their Computing lessons.
If your child has come home with lines to learn for the Nativity or a costume request - thank you in anticipation for your support with this. Please send the costumes in this week. We are busy decorating the classroom to make it festive - if you have any spare decorations at home that you are willing to donate to Beech class please also send those in with your child.
We are looking forward to another busy week in school this coming week.
Mrs Beale