Week 7
The highlight of our week was being able to cheer on Tom Daley as he cycled past school on his 4 day challenge for Comic Relief. This has fitted with our half terms value of perseverance and the children loved being able to go outside and encourage him on his way.
Year 1 have been measuring in maths using cms and ms. Today we went outside to measure the playground, the caterpillar, the hundred square etc. with metre sticks. The children then used rulers to measure smaller objects inside and find the difference between lengths.
Year 2 have been working on 2D shapes, learning about sides and vertices. Their homework this week is on google classrooms and relates to their shape work.
In literacy we watched a short animated film called The Way Back Home and the children used this as a starting point to write a detailed description of the alien. The adjectives being used were fabulous!
You will have received an email telling you that due to severe weather warnings school is closed tomorrow. So, have a happy and restful half term and we look forward to seeing everyone in just over a weeks time.