Week 7
Our focus in literacy this week has been The Dragon Sitter Disasters. A fabulous book written as a series of emails between a boy and his uncle. Eddie is looking after his uncle’s dragon with very little instruction and the children have loved reading about all the disasters that occur from the raiding of the fridge, eating the pet rabbit, chasing cats in the garden to burning the curtains and lampshades. They have written some great emails of their own pretending to be Eddie, explaining what the dragon has been up to and how ‘Mum’ feels about it all. The also created wanted posters after the dragon went missing.
In preparation for our trip to Corfe Castle next week we have been writing questions about things we would like to find out while we are there. Don’t forget your child will need sturdy shoes, a small back pack and can wear their own trousers / shorts depending on the weather, but must wear school shirt and sweatshirt. Raincoats and sunhats will also be needed! Packed lunches are provided instead of a hot school meal but if you usually give your child a lunch to bring in you will need to do so as normal.
During maths the children in year 1 have been learning about capacity whilst the year 2s have been focused on partitioning numbers for adding and subtracting.
Our RE this half term is learning about Chanukah and yesterday the children learnt about the dreidel game and had a go at making their own dreidels and playing.
Fingers crossed the weather will brighten up by next Tuesday. Meanwhile enjoy your weekend.