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Week 8

Last Friday in science, the children had to draw and name different plants and animals they found in the wildlife garden. Part of the KS1 curriculum is for the children to name common plants and animals, so when you are out and about in your gardens and further afield, do talk to your children about what you spot and if you're not sure, why not photograph it and look it up when you get home.


This week we had our topic capture day on Tuesday when we focused on the artist Henri Rousseau and his painting 'Surprise!' or 'Tiger in a Tropical Storm'. We spent the first session learning about his life and the children wrote short biographies about him. Then we looked in more detail at his paintings and did some sketching in art books, before finally the children created their own paintings and named them. Their work is very imaginative and they have all hidden various rainforest animals in their paintings just waiting to be found. 


The other highlight this week was World Book Day on Thursday. It was very exciting to come to school dressed up and the children looked amazing. Our focus was to create a story setting in a shoe box and we looked at the book 'Where the Forest Meets the Sea' which is illustrated through collage to give us ideas. We learnt about the different layers of rainforests and which animals live where before working with partners to create a 3D setting for the animals to live in and tell stories through them. We also stopped every hour to read a story as well as a special story assembly.


In the evening the children came back in their PJs with teddies and blankets for bedtime stories and hot chocolate and seemed to enjoy all the stories that were read to them. Thank you for supporting this - the staff enjoy it as much as the children!


We have done some maths this week with a focus on division for year 1 and fractions for year 2. 


Don't forget the wildlife working party is this weekend, Saturday 10-4pm. If you can make it, even for an hour that would be great. Many hands......!
