Week 5
This week we have had a visit from Sarah the community Police officer - she talked to us about different ways in which the police help the community and how they travel around. We learned lots of interesting things including: there are three types of dogs (sniffer, attack and no digital), police officers use horses in big crowds and that officers always have a camera and walkie talkie attached to them to record things for evidence. Please see the photographs attached where you will see that we also got to go in the Police car.
In Maths, Year 2 have been grouping and sharing numbers and we have moved on to dividing. We are still at the stage of drawing this pictorially or using concrete objects to help us. Year 1 have been understanding addition and subtraction and the inverse operations that are associated. For example: 10 + 8 = 18 and 8 + 10 = 18 and 18 - 8 = 10 and 18 - 10 = 8.
In Literacy, we have been working really hard around the book 'My Mum has x ray vision' which is a superhero based book and we have had a go at writing speech bubbles and direct speech and also reading with expression and prosody. We were excellent at this! See our photos of our hard work!
In Art, we watched the perseverance video around 'Austin's butterfly' and then we had a go at doing an observational drawing of flowers. We looked really closely and tried to improve our drawings three times.We were impressed with the outcomes.
We are really looking forward to our Superhero Day next Tuesday and can't wait to see how we are all dressed up! Watch this space for some photographs of our day.