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Happy Easter

Well it has certainly been a strange couple of weeks - BUT - Dolphin Class - you have been AMAZING!


Many of you have shared your learning with with me and I have really enjoyed seeing what you have all been up to. From Mini beast hunts, multiplication and measuring to crafting and cooking,   bike rides and botanical painting and lots of reading and writing. It's been fantastic to be part of your home learning. A massive well done to your Mums and Dads, Grannys and Grandads as well. I know they have been working hard alongside you, whether directly at home or via skype. It's great to see how resourceful and resilient you are being. 


This is a really a quick blog to say that as it is now the Easter Holidays, I won't be putting up any more learning until Monday 20th April when we will be starting a new topic. (However, if you do want to share anything you do during your holidays please do as I will still be picking up emails.)


So, have a lovely break from your school learning, stay safe and well and have a Happy Easter with, hopefully, a little chocolate.


Ms Braidwood


