Extended Schools - Breakfast Club and After School Club
Fee Charging Policy
Fees for the Extended Schools Provision are paid half-termly in advance. If you have booked a session you will be charged whether your child attends or not. This includes sickness and family holidays. If 2 weeks notice has been given of cancellation you will be charged 50% of the normal fee to retain your child’s place. Please note without two weeks notice full charges will be incurred.
Booking forms will be issued in the penultimate week of each half term for the following half-term. Payment dates will be clearly stated on the booking form.
Late Bookings
In the case of late bookings being made by parents – these are bookings made outside the expected booking form and invoice system - an additional late booking fee for the breakfast club is £1.50 and for the After School Club an additional late booking fee of £2.50 will be charged on top of the standard rate per child.
Late Collection from After School Club
You will be charged for the next session if you do not collect your child within 15 minutes of the collection time, without prior arrangement (i.e. a phone call to say you will be late).
Please note:
- We require a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice to cancel a booking and then you will be charged 50% of the normal fee. Otherwise, all sessions booked will be charged for.
- Late collection fees will be incurred.
- Bookings taken outside the expected booking form and invoice system or changes to bookings will incur an additional booking fee.
- Failure to collect a child by 5.30pm will incur a penalty of £5.00 per ½ hour or part thereof. On the third occasion you will be given a letter stating that on any subsequent occasions you will be charged £25.00.
- Arrears of more than two weeks will result in the loss of your child’s place.
- If settlement of fees is still not received legal advice will then be sought.
Charges for Extended School Provision
The fees for Winterbourne Valley First School Extended School Provision are as follows:
Breakfast Club: £4.00 per half hour, per child. 8am -8.30am.
After School Club:
£12.00 per child 3pm - 4.30pm.
£8.00 per child 4.30pm-5.30pm.
A discount is offered for 2nd/3rd or 4th child. Children can be booked in either for the 3.00pm – 4.30pm session or the 4.30pm – 5.30pm session. A healthy and nutritious snack will be provided to children.
Please note: there will be no refunds for early collection.