Week 11
In literacy this week the children have been having a go at writing instructions for a new playground game that they have learnt called Cat and Mouse. We discovered how difficult it can be to make even the easiest of games simple in the form of instructions. They had great fun playing however and lots of mice were able to get away from the cats.
Year 2 have been learning about money, adding money together and finding the same total using different combinations of coins and notes. Year 1 have continued to learn about place value to 20.
In our outdoor learning sessions we continued to learn about habitats and talked about our own habitats, where we live and what we need to survive. The children were then able to use the den building equipment to try and make wind and waterproof shelters.
We are continuing to learn the songs and words for the nativity play and in RE we have been discussing advent as today would have been our advent service at St Marys Church. Please continue to help your child learn their words at home and do bring in any costumes to school as soon as you have them. Many thanks.