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Week 2

Welcome back to another busy week at Winterbourne Valley First School, we have a lot to catch up on.


In maths with Mrs Austin year 3 and 4 are learning two different things year 3 are learning about mass and year 4 are learning about decimals. 


With Miss Darby it has stayed the same, we are learning fractions, the year 3s are learning sums like ⅓ of 27 or ¾ 24.


In literacy we have had a person from Cornish Plastic Pollution Coalition on zoom, who speak to us about how bad plastic pollution is and how they have to rescue a lot of animals. I think the most scary thing she said is that in twenty five years it will be too late! We have also been writing a book about pollution that the year 4s are going to be showing their buddies in reception and the year 3 will be showing it to the Dolphins.


In reading Vipers we have been reading and analyzing the text of a book called Rocket Says Clean Up! We have also been using a question matrix to ask questions about the text.


Anyway that’s it for this week so you next week bye!


By Jacob and Daniel

