Welcome back to spring 2, we have an exciting half term term ahead of us and our new topic will be 'Dangerous Dinosaurs'. The children have been introduced to our new topic and the majority of their learning, activities and play, will be based around this theme.
We have talked about what the children already know about dinosaurs and what else they would like to know and how we could find out more information about them. We discussed how we could find out more facts about dinosaurs and the difference between a story (fiction) and information (non-fiction) book, looking at both types to demonstrate this. What is fact and what is fiction? Our focus story for the week has been 'Say Hello to the Dinosaurs'.
We have been looking for signs of spring and talking about the seasons. We went for a lovely walk in the sunshine around the school grounds to see what we could find. The children spotted lots of spring flowers such as - daffodils, crocus, snowdrops and the bluebells starting to pop up from the earth. They noticed the catkins and buds on the trees and we had hoped to see some nests up in the trees, but we didn't find any this time.
In Expressive Art and Design this week, the children looked closely at a bunch of daffodils on St. Davids Day, then drew beautiful pictures of them and painted with bright colourful watercolours.
We look forward to seeing the children on World Book Day, dressed as their favourite character and sharing their stories with the class.