Week 8
Our favourite day this week was definitely World Book Day on Thursday. The children all looked fantastic in their costumes and we celebrated by sharing a story every hour on the hour. (With possibly a few extras!) It was also great to see all the children return in their pjs at 6pm for bedtime stories and hot chocolate. Thank you to all the PTFA and staff for their help in making this event run so smoothly.
In literacy this week we have been reading the story Leon and the Place Between. It is a beautiful book about a boy who goes to a magic show and ends up in the place between. The children came up with lots of ideas about what this magic place was, what they would see and used some lovely descriptive language to write about it.
In DT this week the children had a challenge to build a tower from straws and masking tape. They worked in teams and then as a whole class to see how tall and stable a structure we could build. We certainly had lots of fun and learnt lots about how to make a structure more rigid as well as how to work as a team.
On Monday Jane Joy a DASP music specialist came in to work with the children. She will be in every Monday during this half of term teaching the songs and rhythms.