Week 8
Week 2 has been full of minibeast related activitites both in maths and literacy activities. Our book of the week has been 'The Bad Tempered Ladybird' and some of the literacy activitites that the children have participated in are - story mapping & sequencing, sentence writing about minibeast pictures, making words with minibeast letters, reading words with digraph & trigraphs, then posting them into Metal Mike's mouth and minibeast tracing.
In maths we have been recapping upon one more and one less than a given number and then thinking about what two more/less would be. We have also learnt about doubles & we can now sing a song about doubles, we call it the 'Doubles Rap'. The children have been looking at doubles in different ways using ladybirds and beads, Numicon doubles, floor dominoes, mirrors & pom-poms & doubles number sentneces.
The highlight of the week was of course World Book Day and the children all looked fabulous in their costumes. They really enjoyed sharing their books from home which we read on the hour, every hour throughout the day. The children also enjoyed making bookmarks, colouring in Traditional Tale characters and designing covers for a book.