Week 13
The children have done well this week to continue with their maths and literacy learning on top of all the nativity rehearsals.
On Thursday, Rosmary from the Fire Education Department came to visit the children to talk about fire safety. She talked about smoke detectors and having an escape plan from the house. She talked about fire engines and what equipment they have. The children practised 'stop, drop and roll' to music and they crawled under 'smoke' keeping low. Hopefully the children will talk to you about their learning and you can reinforce this fire safety advice at home.
In literacy the children have written stories set in the Great Fire of London and in maths the year 1s have been subtracting whilst the year 2s have been dividing.
We have also made our christmas tree decorations and these are now hanging on our tree in the hall. The naughty elf Tinsel has been visiting overnight and we have had to do some clearing up of glitter as well as finding him climbing our rocket and caught in the classroom Christmas tree. The children are doing well at showing him how we should behave in the classroom. Fingers crossed we won't come back to too much mess and mayhem on Monday morning...... !
All the children have worked hard in the nativity rehearsals and I am so impressed that every single one of them has learnt their lines. Well done Dolphins, that really is an achievement. We have also had a costume try on and they look fantastic. Thank you to all of you for providing these. The performances are on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Please remember that the Tuesday performance is adults only, this is so the children are able to perform to a quiet audience without distractions. We look forward to seeing you there.
Have a restful weekend.