Week 11
This week in literacy we have finished making a class non fiction book about mini beasts. The children have each researched a mini beast and written some facts about it. They have then created a front cover with title and author, back cover with blurb and pictures and inside made a contents page and an index. They have worked brilliantly as a team to get it all sorted.
In maths our focus has been on patterns and shapes. We have used 2D shapes to make symmetrical butterflies and used our 3D blocks to create small constructions and see if our partners could copy them naming the shapes.
Wednesday was our open afternoon which was very well attended. Thank you to everyone who came. We hope you enjoyed spending time with your child in our classroom and sharing their learning journeys and writing books. It is amazing to see the progress they have all made over the year.
Today was our transition morning and so we all moved into our new classrooms. It was lovely to see how happily all the children came into Dolphin Class, found their bubble to sit on and seemed to feel right at home. We started the morning with some circle time activities, the 'year 2s' talked about things that are different in Dolphin Class, then we made our self registration dolphins and explored the classroom to see what games and resources we could play with. After play we did some writing about how we feel about moving on and talked about what we are looking forward to and what we might miss. The children were brilliant and will make great Dolphins. Well done Seahorses, I'm looking forward to teaching you all as Dolphins next year!