Week 11 - Mothers day poem - History
Firstly to wish you all a happy Mothering Sunday. I hope the sun shines and you get some well deserved rest! Please look at the video resource centre for a video of the children reciting their mothers day poem to you all. It is called My Mum is an Alien!
This week our focus has been history based and we have been learning about two nurses, Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale, their lives and how they had many similarities as well as differences. We are also very grateful to our modern day nurse, Mrs Foot, for coming in on Monday to talk to the children about a nurses work in the present day. The children have been able to compare her work with that of the nurses in the past. It is always wonderful to have a visitor to share their experiences with the children.
The children have been writing non-chronological reports about the nurses and researching their lives online. Mostly through the national geographic website for kids.
In DT we have been making pictures with a moving wheel to change the character in our image. These will have come home so you can talk to your child about them.
In maths the year 2s have been learning about fractions, 1/4s and 1/2s whilst the year 1s have been doing lots of work with addition and subtraction.