Week 2 - Literacy and Art
In literacy this week we have been reading Owl Babies and the children have completed an independent story write where they have used the story but added their own descriptions and details. They all persevered (our value this half term) and should be proud of their writing. There were lots of adjectives being used to describe the owl babies tree, the forest and the night sky.
We have also been learning about Vincent Van Gogh and his painting A Starry Night. We have read a story about it called Katie and the starry night as well as learning a few facts about Van Gogh's life. The children have now completed a pastel drawing of the stars and moon and this week have started their own painting based on Van Gogh's work. We will complete these over the next couple of weeks.
In maths the year 1s are learning about subtraction whilst the year 2s continue their work around multiplication.