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Week 13

Our Christmas tree decorations are finished and hanging on the tree in the hall. They look great  and the children worked carefully to ensure they sparkle. They have also finished off sewing their hand puppets and put eyes and noses on to bring them to life. Hopefully they will have lots of fun playing with these when they bring them home.


In literacy we have been writing instructions as to how to make these and the children have laid out their work carfully to make sure they have a list of what they needed before explaining what to do.  They have also writtten letters to Father Christmas and redrafted them in their best handwriting in the hope he might be able to visit in a few weeks time. 


During maths the children have continued learning about adding and subtrcting in year 1 and in year 2 have been learning how to carry out division problems. 


A new member of our class arrived this week - Sprinkles. She is one of Father Christmas's elves and apparently is here to keep an eye on the children and check they are working hard and behaving well. However, as I'm sure your child will tell you, her behaviour is not always perfect and we have found pockets of chaos in our classroom each morning. So far she has written across my whiteboard, eaten biscuits from the staff room and left glitter and decorations everywhere as she tried to follow the instructions to make a tree decoration. She is trying her best with her learning though and this morning was found with the maths challenge and lots of maths resources!


Thank you all for helping your children learn their lines for the nativity - keep practising. Thank you also for all the bits of costume that have come in, please could any other bits that you have been asked for be bought in as soon as possible.


Next Friday is our juding for Eco Warriors Christmas decoration competition. Spend the weekend using recycled materials to make an original and unique Christmas decoration. I can't wait to see them!


