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Week 1

This week we have introduced our new topic for the term, Knights and Castles. The chidlren have throught about questions they would like to find the answers to over the next few weeks and these include: -  How does a drawbridge work? How does a knight deceide where to find adventure? Why do knights wear metal armour when it could get hot and heavy? Who lives in a castle and what jobs do they do? 


In maths Year 2s have been working with capacity and temperature, reading scales. Year 1s have continued their number and place value work. 


This afternoon the children have been busy clearing their vegetable bed, planting carrots and lettuce in it as well as planting potatos, rocket and their sunflowers. We're looking forward to eating our produce at the end of term!


If the children have any topic books they would like to share with the class, please do send them in. 
