Week 4
This week we have made the most of the warmer weather and done lots of outside learning. Year 1 children practised their understanding of addition to 20 by hunting for beanbags to fill the tens frames. We discussed how many we had and how many more we needed. Year 2 have been grouping counters to begin to understand multiplication. They have worked incredibly hard and shown excellent perseverance with this as many found it super tricky. See the photos above to see how hard they have been working.
In RE, we recapped and consolidated our knowledge of foods eaten at Passover and what they symbolised - we were really shocked about the ten plagues that were thought to be given to the Jewish slaves all those years ago. In Science, we used finger printing to demonstrate our understanding of how the trees change season by season. Mrs Beale is super impressed in our Computing lessons at our ability to program our BeeBots and debug them if we make an error - although we did learn that some of them have a mind of their own!
In Literacy, we designed potions to help a baby superhero called Max to fly - we found out all he needed was courage in the end as he flew to save a baby bird that had fallen from his nest. Then we pretended to fly off to somewhere exotic and send a postcard detailing our adventures. Lots of us didn't know what a postcard was and Mrs Beale explained that they are quite old fashioned now as we have technology (mobile phones). We wrote some cracking postcards despite this.
On Thursday, we all had an amazing 'REWARD' afternoon where we enjoyed ice creams, hot chocolates and marshmallows. This was our reward for working so hard on being collaborative in Beech class. Our next focus is to demonstrate that we can line up quietly and sensibly when the bell is rung at break and lunchtimes. When we have achieved this reward by filling up our pasta jar we are going to have a class party and we can't wait!
Onwards and upwards!