Week 5
This week the children have had fun inventing their own planet and describing in in a non chronological report. They have had to come up with a name, think about what it looks like, if it is made of rock or gas, if it might sustain life and create some amazing facts about it. We have some very imaginative planets.
They have also painted their papier mache planets in art and these look great hanging in the classroom.
In science this week we learnt about food chains and the importance of every part of the chain. We talked about the simple food chain for a badger and a fox. In the wildlife garden we looked for minibeasts and worked out what part of a food chain they might be linked to.
Year 2s had their last swimming session this week and they have all made super progress. Their behaviour to and from the swimming pool has been perfect and they have all worked hard in those lessons. Year 1s will start their swimming lessons on the first Friday after half term. If you could take your child swimming at 1610 over the half term holiday that would be a great way to boost their confidence before they start.
Don't forget that Tuesday 11th is our Dolphin exposure about our space topic. It will start at 2:30. I hope you can join us.