Week 7
Welcome back to spring 2 and what a busy week we've had!
The children really enjoyed learning about 'Shrove Tuesday', then making their batter and cooking pancakes. The children chose their favourite toppings and ate their pancakes at snack time.
During Outdoor Learning and RE we having been talking about new beginnings and looking for signs of spring in the school grounds. The children were super spotters, finding things such as daffodils, snowdrops, crocuses, catkins, buds and bluebells just starting to come out. We also cleared and weeded our vegetable patch and flower tubs ready for planting this years seeds and flowers.
Our maths focus has been subtraction and the children really enjoyed taking part in our 'playdough squish' activity. Each child was given a subtraction number sentence and balls of playdough, which they then used to calculate the answers by squishing the number of balls that they needed to take away.
Next week Outdoor Learning will change to Tuesday to allow the children to wear their World Book day costumes for the whole day on Thursday and prevent them from getting wet and muddy. Don't forget Bedtime Stories 6-7pm.