WB 6.07.2020.
Hello and welcome to week 11 of our summer term.
You will find both the maths and literacy home learning grids above for this week and also on Tapestry in the 'documents' section.
Last week the children recapped upon their knowledge of time. We have been practising days of the week, months and seasons of the year and telling the time. The children have made their own clocks using card and split pins, then have used them to tell the time. We have been using the language of o' clock, quarter past/to and half past the hour and moving both the hour and minutes hands, to point to the correct numbers.
In literacy we have continued to practise letters & sounds, high frequency and tricky words, phase 2-5. The children have also been thinking of words that begin with certain consonant sound blends and writing sentences independently using some of these words.
In PE, the children have been learning how to play cricket and all demonstrated both good hand to eye coordination and excellent understanding of the game.
The children have been really enjoying our afternoons outside, when continue to have our daily reading sessions. They have also been collecting sticks to make spider webs next week, which be hung in our outdoor area.
Have fun with these activities and please do contact me by email or telephone if you need any assistance.
Have a good week
Mrs Rogers