Week 8
Our new topic for this half of term is 'Toys and childhood in the past'. The children have already come up with lots of questions about things they want to find out, e.g. When were teddies invented? What did children play with a long time ago? What are toys made from? When was lego first made? and When were games first played? We have lots of research to do to answer all these and many more questions, and the children will be using a variety of sources to do this including information books, the internet and asking older friends and family directly.
In literacy this week we have read Kipper's Toy Box and learnt how to make a list using commas. Why not get your child to write your weekly shopping list and see if they can remember where the commas need to go! During phonics we are revising graphemes already taught so there are no new sheets. Please do keep going over the ones they have already completed though.
In maths the year 2s have been weighing and measuring while the year 1s have focused on counting to and across 100 and using the language of equal to, more than and less than.
During our computing lesson this week the children have started to learn about coding and have had to create a simple animation, getting fish to move across their screens. I willl also be discussing online safetly with the children.
In DT this half of term, I am hoping to make simple cars with the children. To do this, we need lots of plastic milk bottle tops. Please could you collect them from friends and neighbours and bring as many as you can as soon as possible. Thank you.
Next Tuesday is our trip to Shire Hall. Thank you to everyone who has returned money and slips.
Have a happy and safe weekend if you are attending any firework displays!