Week 6
Week 6 8.10.21 / 9.10.21
Welcome back to another busy week at Winterbourne valley, we have had an exciting week. On Wednesday we went on a school trip to West Bay. We went inside the Discovery Centre and learned about the history of West Bay and how they made a big hole and how they covered it back up. In the Discovery Centre there were things we could interact with like a TV and games on Ipads.
We went to the East and West beaches and looked at the human and physical features of West Bay. We enjoyed eating our cheese straws we made last week on the beach and had a picnic and played in the park.
In literacy with Mrs Austin we were learning about commas and how we use them, commas are used for splitting sentence
In maths with Mrs Darby we were learning about perimeter. In maths with Mrs Austin, we were rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. We also looked at ordering numbers, year 4 were ordering distance.
In R.E we learnt about a Mezuzah and how if you're a Jewish you have one on every door in your house. Every time you go past the door you have to touch it showing your loyalty to god.
In music with Mrs Horne we learned a new warm up called ‘First you make your Fingers click’. We listened to Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and it was called Winter.
We have been sharing our powerpoints about Mary Anning (fossils hunter), which some children produced for their homework.
By Sofia and James m