Week 8
This half of term our topic is celebrations and we have begun by thinking about birthdays. We have had a rather busy week preparing for Class Monkeys birthday and party which was today. On Tuesday the children wrote invitations to their toys to ask them if they could come, on Wednesday we talked about organising the party and what Monkey would like as a present and on Thursday we made birthday cards and wrote in them and made some bunting. The children all worked really hard to make sure everything was sorted for the party this afternoon and as a result we all had a fantastic time. The children decided the best present to buy for Monkey was a bunch of bananas and he was very pleased with them. We played lots of party games including musical statues and musical bumps and pass the parcel. I have to say we have some great dancers in our midst!
Yesterday Mary from Dorchester Library came to visit and read the children a couple of books including Bumble Bear the free book each child has been given by the book trust. It is a lovely book about friendship, helping others and fitting in even when we are different. I hope you enjoy sharing it with your children.
On Thursday during our natural learning afternoon we made leaf prints. All the children had a go and the results look great.
Next Thursday is our Whizz Bang Rocket enrichment session at Thomas Hardye School. Although we won't be back until about 1:30 we will have our natural learning afternoon as usual when we return. Wellie boots please! If your child normally has a hot school dinner they will be given a packed lunch on this day instead which we will eat at THS before coming back.
Enjoy the weekend and have a happy and safe bonfire night.