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This week our focus book has been 'The Pig in the Pond'. In literacy the children have been drawing pictures of a scene from the story, caption writing retelling the story using small world and story sequencing.

During maths we have been looking at both number formation and recognition. Then later in the week we looked at 2D shapes, sorting into groups, using shapes to create repeat patterns and began talking about each of their characteristics. 

In outdoor learning the children made pictures using natural materials. We had some lovely vehicles, faces and minibeasts.

The children really enjoyed the visit from the Life Education Van. We met Harold the giraffe and a lady called Liza who explained to us all about the different parts of our bodies, talked about healthy eating and the effects of exercise on our bodies. The children participated in lots of exciting activities such as putting the parts of the body in the correct place, relaxing and looking up at the twinkling stars, watching Harold go on a sleepover and listening to a story.

