Week 5
The children have completed their work on acrostic poems and riddles in Literacy. They have now begun to write an account of things they have learned about Polar Regions. However, some children have enjoyed their Literacy work so much that they have been doing some more at home! Some lovely work has been brought in.
In Science this week the children have been discussing food chains. This afternoon they sorted animals and created a food chain themselves. There was some lovely teamwork and some pictures are added below.
The children have completed their clay models of polar animals. These can be taken home next week, but for now they need some more time to dry!
The blog this week includes some more examples of children working practically during maths. This week, they have been dividing blocks to learn about division in Year 2.
Whilst multiplication and division will continue in maths, we are coming to the end of our Polar Regions topic. Our new topic will be revealed after half term. Next week we look forward to some activities for Safer Internet Day. There will be plenty to get on with during our final week.
Have a pleasant weekend.