Week 3
What an exciting week we've had, especially our visit to the Space Odyssey Dome. We had the opportunity to go inside the dome, explore inside and learn all about the planets, their names, colours, whether they are hot or cold, if there is water and their distance from earth. We learnt a song called 'The Solar System Song' which was really useful to help us remember lots of information about each of the planets. We also looked at some of the constellations in the sky and tried to guess which group of stars we were looking at by following their patterns. There were so many of them them, but one of our favorites was the dragon!
Our focus book in literacy has been Superworm and the children have been thinking of new roles for him, in addition to those already in the story. He has become - a road, shapes, letters, a roundabout, ferris wheel, a bookmark and many other fantastic ideas.
In maths we have been looking at length and using the language of long, longer, longest, short, shorter and shortest. In their activity, the children ordered the worms according to their length from longest to shortest, or shortest to longest. They have been consolidating their knowledge of length in independent activities such as, using different measuring tools, objects, building and ordering Unifix towers and cutting lengths of wool and then putting them into length order.
In PE on a Wednesday the children have been learning about gymnastic movements and how to use the equipment. This week they were climbing up and swinging from rope to rope.
In outdoor learning, the children were looking for signs of new life and minibeast hunting. They spotted some spring flowers starting to shoot up in the earth - daffodils, snowdrops, primroses and a winter flower, the hellebore.