Week 5 - Music
We were very fortunate this week to have Hanna Trevorrow from DASP music visit us with a collection of orchestral instruments to talk about and share with the children. This links to our topic of the Carnival of the Animals and the music we have been listening to. Hanna showed the children a violin, cello, flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone and oboe and talked about how they are played as well as demonstrating them. The children were then able to all have a go at the violin and the cello. It was amazing to see the focus of the children as they held the instrument and had a go at playing them.
If your child has been inspired to start learning an instrument, you can visit the DASP music website on www.daspmusic.co.uk or email them at daspmusic@thomas-hardye.net.
Our main focus this week has been harvest and the children have listened to and written poems about harvest as well as practicing their poem to recite for the harvest festival.