Week 1
Happy New Year!
I hope you have all had a restful and happy holiday ready for the busy term ahead. I was very pleased to hear that Father Christmas had visited all the children in Seahorse Class. They certainly deserved a visit after all their hard work during the Autumn Term.
This week has begun as busy as every with our new topic 'Down in the Woods' when we will be focusing on Traditional Tales. This week we have been reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the children have all done some fantastic watercolour paintings of scenes from the story. We have made, and tried, porridge and written the recipe and our role play is the Bears cottage. The children are really enjoying acting out the story and creating their own narratives.
In maths we have been looking at weight and capacity as well s doing some problem solving.
We have also introduced guided reading today where the children will read a book in small groups to talk about it, make sure they understand the story and enjoy sharing their reading knowledge.
Please could I remind everyone that the children do need warm clothes, waterproofs and wellies for out natural learning afternoons every Thursday. If the children do not come suitably clothed in this cold wet weather, we will be unable to take them outside.