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8000 Dojo's

smiley We reached 8000 Dojo's!!smiley


This week we reached 8000 dojos as a class. This meant we had got to the next milestone for a reward.


On Tuesday afternoon, we were lucky to head outside to do some clay work, our year 4's were able to join their reception buddies at the top of the field as they were having a 'Mini beast day'. Year 4's helped their buddies to make different clay mini beasts, while down on the picnic benches year 3's made some mythical monsters out of clay (linking with our literacy work). 


After this we played games on the field including wink murder (a firm favourite with the class!) and we were lucky to enjoy an ice lolly on a lovely sunny afternoon! 


Finally, we gathered with the reception and preschoolers at the top of the field to release our butterflies which we have watched metamorph over the last couple of weeks. 


Have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 3rd June, for the final half term of this school year! 



