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Week 6

We start each day with a storycise story and yoga type exercises and the children are really enjoying this as the start to their day. It helps to develop their gross motor skills and their ability to sequence stories. They are great at telling me what is going to happen next and joining in with our balances and movements. 


The children did their second piece of independent writing this week and it is amazing to see how many of them are already begining to hear the initial sounds in words and with the help of their phoneme boards begining to write those sounds. The results of their daily phonics work is showing and we are having lots of fun making cv and cvc words from the sounds we have learnt. 


In maths we have been looking at creating and recreating simple patterns. We have been using the unifix and peg boards, blocks and mosaic pieces. The ability to see patterns and shapes all links not just to maths but also to their reading and writing. 


Today we made seed collages. Taking a template of a flower and using different seeds, rice and couscous etc. to make a textured picture. 


In the wildlife garden and mud kitchen a large group of children were creating 'worm soup' 'ant stew' and 'magic stone cakes' as they pretended to be witches. They were very polite witches and I heard lots of pleases and thank yous as they worked together. I hope they help you cook some delicious dishes at home! 
