Week 3
This week we have started our new topic of 'Food and Farming'. The children have enjoyed exploring our new Farm Shop role play area, taking it in turns to be customers and shop keepers. We talked about all the different fruits and vegetables in our Farm Shop, describing the colours and shapes of them. We also took a look at our very own apple trees and picked 3 big cooking apples to add into our Farm Shop.
Alongside keeping busy in the Farm Shop the children have been creating the different farm animals we have seen throughout our topic book 'The Little Red Hen'. They loved mixing together different coloured paints to create the 'perfect' chicken colour for their paper plate hens! As well as creating their own hens, the children made their very own bread rolls, taking it in turns to add each ingredient and discuss why each ingredient is needed.
The children have also been very imaginative, creating their very own farm stories using the farm yard tuff tray and small world animals. They used the blocks and corks to create pens for each individual animal to "keep them safe from the rain!"
We have also been learning our Harvest song 'Thank You Farmer' in preparation for our Harvest Festival.