Week 2
This week the Blossom children have been busy looking into lots of different sea creatures to support our topic book 'Commotion In The Ocean'. We started we week looking into stingrays, so the children created their own stingrays using paints and pen. We then moved on to looking at turtles, whales, sharks and dolphins. The children loved listening to the different sounds that whales and dolphins make to talk to each other. Alongside lots of craft activities the Blossom children have been busy working on their fine motor skills by using scissors to cut and snip different lines, using peg boards, tap tap and name writing!
We have lots of tuff trays set this week including exploring ice with lots of different flowers and leaves frozen inside to explore and smell, cornflour to help improve our scooping and filling skills and our favourite tray which is the water and bubbles!
We have been busy learning our new sound this week which as been the sound 'R'. The children have has lots of fun identifying this sound during our circle times.