Our focus this week has been the Hindu celebration of Diwali (the festival of light), sharing books, watching short video clips of children and how they celebrate this festival and many activities based upon Diwali.
In literacy the children were asked to think about some of the ways that the Hindus celebrate Diwali and then write a simple sentence about some of the things that they had either seen in the books or on the film about the celebration. They remembered many ways such as - fireworks, sweets, candles, Diya lamps, Rangoli patterns and new clothes. The children have also been taking part in lots of letter formation/patterning activities such as dot to dot Rangoli patterns and patterning the Mehndi hands.
In maths we have been looking at patterns, colour and shapes by creating our own Rangoli patterns using playdough, pegs and boards, 2D shapes, shape magnets, Numicon and pattern boards. We have also started looking at Numicon 'friends for ten', which is a visual way for children to see number bonds to 10. We have then recorded the information on our ten frames.
Lots of den building took place in outdoor learning on Thursday afternoon which helped the children shelter from the heavy rain that fell upon them.
On Friday in Expressive Arts and Design, we began making our Mehndi hand, Diya lamps. The children rolled out their clay, drew around their hand with cutting tools and then patterned their hand with clay tools. Photos to follow when they have dried and been painted.